Hardware Service v5 - Version History

v5.18.4 29th March 2023

The following issues have been fixed:

v5.18.3 9th March 2023

The following issues have been fixed:

v5.18.2 22nd February 2023

The following issues have been fixed:

v5.18.1 30th January 2023

New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service:

v5.17.1 9th August 2022

New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service:

The following issues have been fixed:

v5.16.1 January 2022

Other internal changes:

v5.15.1 14th July 2021

New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service:

Hardware Configuration


Other internal changes:


Internal testing.

v5.12.1 6th January 2021

The following issues have been fixed:

v5.11.2 24th June 2020

The following issues have been fixed:


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service:

Virtual Network Devices:

Patch Bay:

Loading and Saving configurations:

Hardware Monitor

Service Log:

The following issues have been fixed:

v5.9 28th February 2020

New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service:

The following issues have been fixed:


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

The following issues have been fixed:


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

The way the Virtual Network Device handles connected TCP clients has been improved to reduce connectivity issues.


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

Broadcast Radio Switcher v1:

AEQ Virtual GPI and Virtual GPO Devices:

The following issues have been fixed:

Hardware Configuration


New Features/Changes:

The following issues have been fixed:


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Configuration - Patch Bay

Hardware Service

KMTronic Devices:


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Monitor

Hardware Configuration


The following issues have been fixed:

Hardware Service

The Virtual Network Device may have provided erroneous notifications that a line state had changed when it had not.

Hardware Monitor

Received line state changes are now handled by the Hardware Monitor in a synchronous fashion.


The following issues have been fixed:

Hardware Service

An issue that was introduced in v5.0.12.0 that would cause the Service to use excessive CPU cycles has been fixed.

Fixed an issue that would cause a broken TCP connection to a Virtual Network Device to terminate the hardware service.

Hardware Monitor

The Hardware Monitor now displays tooltips on hardware lines to make longer line names readable.


The following issues have been fixed:

Hardware Service

The Virtual Network Device would not interface correctly with a Broadcast Radio SmartSign's GPIO Outputs.

Hardware Monitor

The Connections window would sometimes display the same information multiple times.


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

NB.  Client applications that had previously been subscribed to an RS232 device, e.g. Myriad Logging, may need to be reconfigured to the use the correct device.

RS232 device configuration would not correctly handle missing devices.

Devices that were previously configured but are now missing when the Hardware Service is launched will remain in the configuration file.  These will now display in the Hardware Configuration Editor in red with the text "(missing)" on the end of their description.

RS232 Devices are now hard-linked to the available COM ports on the computer.  These will display in the Hardware Configuration Editor with the COM port name after their description.  Note that changing the COM port that a device is on within the Windows Device Manager will cause this device to appear in the Hardware Configuration Editor as a new (unconfigured) device, and the previous configuration will display as a separate (now missing) device.

Missing devices can be removed permanently from the configuration by right-clicking on the device in the Hardware Configuration Editor.  Such changes must be committed to the server by clicking OK on the configuration window.

Multiple Advantech DAQ devices are now matched to the correct Device Number.

Hardware Monitor

The Hardware Monitor now allows monitoring of an unlimited number of devices.

The Minimise button has been removed from the bottom right of the main window.

The Connections information window now shows an event history for the service and its clients.

Hardware Service

The Hardware Service no longer reads the state of RS232 devices during every processing pass.


Other Changes:


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

Hardware Monitor



New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

Hardware Monitor


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

Addition of BMCM USB-PIO Devices

Support has been added for BMCM (www.bmcm.de) USB-PIO devices. These provide 24 GPIO pins, each of which can be configured to be an Input or an Output.

Hardware Configuration

Configuration has been updated to allow the addition and configuration of the new BMCM USB-PIO devices.


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

Virtual Network Device

The Virtual GPIO Device (vGPIO) has been changed to that all lines are now described as "InputOutput" reflecting the fact that they can be used as either inputs or outputs. There is no longer any difference in how they behave. In previous releases of the HWService, the first 50 were "Inputs" and could only be "read" from.  All 100 lines are now "InputOutput" lines.

Support for SmartSign Lite  v1

The vGPIO device can now be used to interconnect multiple SmartSign Lite's so the HWService acts as a "hub" for sharing and distributing logic between different Signs. For example, if you have a SmartSign with an "input" line on line 1 connected to a switch,whenever that switch is pressed then the "ON" signal is used by the SmartSign locally, and also relayed onto the HWService as vGPIO InputOutput #1. If a second SmartSign is ALSO connected to the same vGPIO device and it's Pin 1 is configured as an Output, then it will be switched on whenever the switch is pressed on SmartSign 1.


New Features/Changes:


The protocol that the Hardware Service uses to communicate with it's clients has been changed to allow communication between Hardware Servers and Clients in separate security contexts (e.g. not in the same Active Directory Domain, or in separate disconnected AD environments


New Features/Changes:

Hardware Service

Virtual Network Device

There is a new device type of the "Virtual Network Device" - this allows you to create virtual devices, each of which has 50 inputs and 50 outputs, but instead of these being connected to the physical world, instead it is controlled via TCP or UDP messages. Each VND can either wait for incoming connnections or connect "out" to a remote IP Address or UDP Endpoint.

Applications such as Myriad Logging v5 then see this as just another device, exactly the same as other devices such as Advantech cards etc. and can recieve inputs or send outputs in exactly the same way.

This is ideal for other devices such as digital mixing desks (e.g. Logitek, Axia etc) to trigger and respond to instructions from Broadcast Radio Software, as well as other devices - for example intelligent displays, switch matrices etc.

RS232 Device

Support for the forthcoming Broadcast Radio News Switcher v2 has been added. This is compatible with the original P Squared RS232 interface which was a simple 8 channel i/o interface where each line could be individually set as an input or an output and be controlled accordingly. This release of the Hardware Service only supports Outputs.

Hardware Configuration

Configuration has been updated to allow the addition and configuration of the new VND and RS232 devices.

Hardware Monitor

The System Tray icon is no longer changed when a hardware event has been recieved. Instead it's now a simple green or red icon that reflects the health of the connection to the Hardware Service.


Initial Release